Wednesday 12 October 2011

What is a supervolcano?

Key Ideas
  1. Supervolcanoes have many differences to volcanoes.
  2. The potential impacts of a supervolcano eruption are far greater than a ‘normal’ volcanic eruption.
Supervolcano, caldera, fissures, geothermal, geyser, hotspot
BBC supervolcano introduction clip below
1.   TDIT.
2.   Using map below and the map NT p17 A, answer NT p23 question 1.
3.   Using the diagram below, draw a simple version of a cross-section of a supervolcano annotating with geysers, caldera and geothermal.
4.   Put a heading ‘Differences between supervolcanoes and composite/shield volcanoes’
5.   Write 3 differences using the following hints: Size, shape, impact.
6.   Using the hot spots clip below and the diagram explain what a hot spot is.
7.   Using the Yellowstone scenario clip and NT p23 answer question 5 NT p23.
a.   What is a supervolcano?
b.   Give 2 ways they are different to normal volcanoes.
c.   How will the Yellowstone supervolcano erupt?
d.   Briefly state what the impact will be?


World Map of Supervolcanoes
Cross section of a supervolcano

Hot spots

Yellowstone Scenario

Thursday 6 October 2011

How do volcanoes affect people?

Key Ideas
  1. Volcanoes are found on plate boundaries, especially on the Pacific Ring of Fire.
  2. The primary and secondary effects of volcanoes can be positive as well as negative.
  3. There are differences between immediate and long-term responses to eruptions, including monitoring and prediction.
Natural hazard, primary effects, secondary effects, aid, earthquake, immediate responses, long-term responses, lahar
Mt Etna clip: what threats might the eruptions cause for people?
1.   TDIT.
2.   Where are volcanoes found?
3.   What are the two types of volcano?
4.   Watch clip of Montserrat below, add a title Montserrat – Soufriere Hills 1995 and using H p14/15 answer questions 1, 2 & 3 H p15.
5.   Watch the clips on Mt St Helens and using NT p18/19 do question 3 NT p21
6.   Watch the clip on volcanoes and technology (up to 1:28) and using NT p20 answer question 7 NT p21.
a.   Where is the main volcano zone in the world?
b.   What do scientists look for to judge whether a volcano is about to erupt?
c.   Explain the differences between primary and secondary effects of an eruption.
d.   Give 2 immediate and 2 long-term responses to a volcanic eruption.

Mt Etna


Mount St Helens 1

Mount St Helens 2

Volcanoes and Technology (upto 1min 28 secs)